While a limited market exists for barley in this region, it can can be an excellent feed grain source for cattle and pigs. Limited opportunities also exist for local malting companies and micro-breweries, but those niche markets should be thoroughly explored before producing barley grain on a large scale.

Virtually all of the acres we provide barley seed for are utilized for forage production in conjunction with alfalfa establishment.

We are able to obtain other barley seed varieties for growers for varying needs, however, we specialize in the production of:

  • Royal ~ High quality feed & forage (non malting); Short; Very good straw strength; Great companion crop

Royal is a short-statured, six-row, semi-smooth awn variety with good kernel plumpness and very good lodging resistance.  Royal is ideally suited as a companion crop for legume (alfalfa) establishment.  When harvested as a forage, it is lower in fiber and lignin (highly digestible) and higher in protein and relative feed value than other barley varieties.  Grain yield is similar to Robust barley, but this variety is best utilized as a forage companion crop with alfalfa and is not suitable for malting.  Royal barley was developed by the University of Minnesota AES.  A license is required for seed production.

Click Here to Learn More About Royal Barley