Since the introduction of low lignin alfalfa into the market place, some dairy producers are combining low (reduced) lignin alfalfa with brown midrib (BMR) corn silage in their feed rations.  Currently, there are two types of reduced-lignin alfalfas in the marketplace:  Naturally selected reduced-lignin varieties, and Transgenic reduced-lignin varieties (which are most often combined with the glyphosate tolerance trait).  Relative to normal-lignin varieties, there appears to be evidence that these reduced-lignin alfalfa varieties can provide anywhere between a 5 to 15 percent reduction in lignin and up to a 15 percent improvement in ivNDFD and relative forage quality (RFQ).  But, will combining these two improved feed products result in too much digestible fiber in your TMR ration?  Read more about this in… Doubling Down on Reduced Lignin – in the March 2018 issue of Hay & Forage Grower.