Zabel Seeds provides a wide array of seed products for the producer/land owner.  Among these are corn, soybean, alfalfa, forage &  turf , and cover crops.  Because we are farmer/producers, we actually utilize many of the products that we offer for sale.  In this way, we are able to provide first-hand information about these products, and you can be assured that you are getting a product that works for you.


We have a variety of corn seed available to meet specific need.  Whether you need grain, silage, dual-purpose, conventional or traited, we have something to fit your needs.


As a long-time grower and producer of Stine soybean seed, we have access to the industry’s leading genetics.  So, whether your seeking conventional, glyphosate (RR) or glufosinate (LL) resistence, any of the industry-leading  traits or trait combinations, you can be assured that we have them.

Alfalfa and Forage

We offer a selection ranging from budget to premium alfalfa varieties and mixes, as well a selection of annual and perennial grasses for forage production or sod establishment.

Cover Crops

Cover crops have been growing in popularity as a producers look for ways to protect the topsoil and enhance nutrient management.   We are able to provide a wide variety of products that accomplish each individual’s needs.  Here is an excellent resource for cover crops, click here.

Industrial Hemp

A familiar crop being resurrected in the United States, Zabel Seeds produced Minnesota’s first certified industrial hemp for Legacy Hemp, LLC in 2017.  While the market is still a relatively small and specialty market, the potential for farmers for industrial hemp in the U.S. remains positively strong.  Hemp is a relatively easy crop to grow and can provide another rotational crop with corn and soybeans.


What’s in a bag of Certified Seed?

New cereMPS bag logoal grain varieties are continually being developed by Land Grant Universities in the United States, and these new releases represent years of research and development.  Plant breeders study and work with plant genetics to develop the most desirable  agronomic traits, including yield, disease resistance, and even herbicide tolerance.

Nearly all newly released varieties are licensed and are eligible for protection under the United States Plant Variety Protection Act of 1994 (PVP94). While this discourages unauthorized propagation and sale, or”brown-bagging,” of licensed, protected varieties, it, more importantly, provides a means by which the developer can continue to bring newer varieties to the market place.

Quality seed is produced by approved conditioners.  Planting certified seed assures you, the grower, that your seed has passed rigorous standards.  This means that you know what you are planting.  Would you purchase seed corn without an analysis tag, guaranteeing its contents?  So, why would you expect any less from your oat, wheat, or barley seed.  Plant the best, and expect the best.  Certified seed doesn’t cost, it pays!



stine-logo-genStine Seed Company is the largest privately-held seed company in the United States.  More than two thirds of the soybean genetics grown in the U.S. come from Stine’s breeding program.  Stine offers a range of industry-leading soybeans and high-performance corn.  To learn more about Stine Seed Company, click here.




Legacy Seed logoLegacy Seeds Inc. offers a full range of corn, soybean, alfalfa, and wheat  seed.  Written on every bag of Legacy Seed is their company’s pledge – Integrity in Every Bag.  To learn more about Legacy Seeds, click here.